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Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Memorizing our first scripture verse that is.... I find that breaking it up and progressively getting individual parts down first, then spending a few days putting them all together in my head works best for me. I use index cards and have also found index cards that come in a spiral notebook-type format that sits up nicely on my desk.

While memorizing this particular scripture (Hebrews 4:16) this past week, I have really concentrated on meditating on it as well. The Lord has given me some insights into this scripture by recalling information I have read recently and in the past. For instance, "let us draw near with confidence"..... why would He tell us to draw near with confidence? First, the most obvious, He wants us "near", He wants our company! He eagerly waits for us to show up. Alright, this is something we need to really get into our hearts and heads..... the God of the Universe who created ALL things eagerly waits for us to come and spend time with Him. A mental picture I get of this is from a book (Grace Walk by Steve McVey) I read a while back of the Lord waiting in the sitting room for our morning talk while we frantically get things together to rush out the door to get our day started, then as we fly by the door of the sitting room and see Him there, we gulp and say "sorry, I am so late, maybe tomorrow?" Have you ever thought about it like this before? Yet I believe this is indeed the scene that plays out far too often in our day-to-day lives. We are too busy to "draw near"!! Then take the word "confidence". The first meaning in the dictionary I looked this word up in says "firm trust", the second "certainty". We are to approach with absolute firm trust and certainty that we are accepted because we have accepted Christ. That's faith folks..... trusting with absolute certainty that we are accepted; that is what we are to approach the throne of grace with. Now the phrase that reads "so that we may receive mercy".... mercy, what is mercy? The dictionary states it is refraining from inflicting punishment on an offender or enemy.... yep, that was us, enemies of God until we accepted His Son's, Jesus Christ, sacrifice for our sins and in return we were granted mercy and the punishment (which is death, by the way) was averted. Now, grace... we use this word a lot in speaking about the Lord BUT do we understand what it means. It is defined as unmerited favor. In an article I read not long ago in Decision Magazine it was defined as God's blessings, not just once when we were saved by grace but every day, day in and day out. He pours out His grace on us because we deserved death but instead received life and life in abundance as we, day by day, draw near with confidence and partake of what was Christ's alone but made ours by His great mercy.

Now... let us begin our days by drawing near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 (paraphrased).

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I have actually memorized it! It is an excellent verse for me. I'm looking forward to the study tomorrow night.