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Monday, April 4, 2011

Mind Games???

Matthew 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

As I was considering what to write about last week, my mind was all over the place, which seems to fit right in with my life right now. For many reasons, and most of them not good reasons, my life/emotions have been on a roller coaster ride recently. I have been worried, anxious, and just letting my mind take over my life.

It was really cool to see how God was working in my life, I started a new bible study a little over a week ago and Day 1 jumped right off the page and into my face. The words I read from the page were, "Listen to me!! Tune out other voices, so that you can hear Me more clearly. I know your anxious thoughts but I designed you to dwell in peace." Wow, I had to take a minute to catch my breath and gather myself. Had it really taken the Lord almost yelling at me to make me stop and listen to Him??? Well sometimes that is just what this stubborn soul needs.

God has not called us to take charge of our lives and figure everything out. Instead He says, come to Me and I will give you rest, cast every care upon Me... He knows our thoughts and just wants us to surrender our lives, and in my case, mind to Him so he can wrap us in His love and peace. This is a continual process for me, this battle of the mind, that I so often struggle with. But in the moment I stop to seek His face, He is always there ready to take hold of the uncertainty in my life.

Well, after this weekend at the simulcast ,which again was exactly what I needed to hear, I realized these time in our lives where we feel so out of control are not really "interruptions" at all, they are divine interventions! God has not forgotten me or not heard my prayers, he knows the desires of my heart. But, He has a perfect plan for my life. So I now have a choice when these "interruptions" come. Do I run like Jonah did and complain that my life is not what I want right now, or do I obey God and see what opportunity He has planned for me??? Pray that I will be obedient to what God is calling me to do and what He has in store for me.

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