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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Living Life God's Way

Be very careful,then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Ephesians 5:15-17

Sometimes I am really confused on how to actually live my life. I have been a Christian for a long time and have had the "moutain top experiences" and the "valley" experiences. However, I do not believe that this is what God intended for the Christian life. I think this may be the hardest time in history to actually distinguish between good and godly. Our society allows us to do many "good" things and to be involved in others lives. It also tells us that it is okay to always focus on ourselves and to strive for all the best opportunities. As a Christian, this can be very confusing because "good is good" , right? This is something God has been convicting me of for a couple of years now. Obviously, I have not spent enough time with God to get a clear answer because I keep falling into the trap of "societal good". My extremely practical mind, most of the time, is what keeps me from praying about God's will. On the other hand, it can be the thing that draws me closer to God and allows me to really feel His presence. As I was doing my devotional (I have been reading Ephesians) the above verse just really jumped out at me, especially the words--- Be very careful and understand what the Lord's will is. So many days I live my life the way I want to, with not much concern, because I do not really do anything "bad". My life fits into what society says is "good", so surely that should mean I am doing things the "right way". This , however, is the main weapon the devil uses in my life. After reading Eph. 5:15-17, I realized how foolish and just plain stupid it is. God does not say to live my life "good". He says to be wise and to follow His will for my life. I cannot do that living "my way". God is challenging me to view life through His RIGHT truth and to seize His GOOD will for my life. Then my life will be full of the GODLY opportunities that will bring Him, not society, glory.


Jane said...

Wow Kelli! Wow! This just dovetails so perfectly with what we are studying in Lord, I Want To Know You. There is absolutely no substitute for the Word in the "living of our lives". If you are not grounded in His Word and in His will, you will indeed flounder.

Thank you for sharing a part of yourself that hits home with all of us.

Kierstin said...

Wow Kellie. Thank you for this verse. I can't wait to start memorizing this verse. This is my desire to follow God's will and plan for my life. Yes it is difficult... But looking forward to how wonderful it can be. Thank you for your explanation to this verse. How exciting it is to learn God's word!

Kim Vandenberg said...

AWESOME Kellie! How we (I) fall into the trap of thinking we are "good", compared to the world's standards, when all along we need to compare ourselves against God's standards. Only when we do that will we truly understand His will for us. Thank you for your wisdom!