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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ephesians 6:13-17

Venture Women’s Ministry is introducing the Women’s Scripture Memory Challenge which will be based off the blog, Once every two weeks, a Women’s Ministry Team member will choose a scripture verse and post it on the blog. We will begin on Thursday, April 29th, please check the blog that day for your first scripture. By the end of the year, we will have memorized 17 scripture verses. It is very important to memorize not only the verse but the chapter and verse numbers. These are our “pointers” when we share scripture God leads us to share with someone He places in our path. We need to not only know the scripture but where it is in the bible.

We encourage everyone to participate. We also encourage you to comment on this scripture and what the Lord has shown you through these two weeks of mediating on and memorizing this scripture verse. Also you may want to share some of your memorization techniques that may help others sharpen these skills.

Our blog will begin to be utilized for the building up of the Body and growing us in Christ. This will be a challenge but one that is necessary to meet. We learn and memorize every day of our lives just to be able to function. There is usually a block that comes up when Scripture memorization is mentioned and we automatically assume we can’t do it. If we investigated further into this resistance, we could identify it for what it is, the flesh warring against the spirit.

There is so much available to us as the Church. We have book stores filled with bibles and other materials for Christian growth; we have radio stations that fill the air waves with Bible teaching and Christian music. To whom much is given, much is required. The Holy Spirit will remind us of scriptures that we filed away in our minds. He can’t remind us of something we haven’t bothered to learn in the first place.

1 comment:

Karen Schultz said...

Can't wait to get started! Loved this part of crown and pray in faith! I still have those verses in my heart.....we did this with Sunday School through Romans, I know verses from all chapters that I draw from a lot. Last week, one from Pray in Faith kept coming to mind, "be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer, petition and praise, let your requests be made known unto God" He truly will give you recall if you just put for the effort!